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DECEMBER 2015 01/15

Logo panic

Don't fight the system.
Go in the system and take them down on their own faults.

Alle acties komend uit wraak of ego zullen mislukken.
Alleen acties vanuit een hart en ziel zullen slagen.

In deze blog geef ik mijn zienswijze van de huidige wereld weer. 
Ik beroep me op het recht die geldt vanuit het Universum, namelijk: Het recht van respect naar elke energievorm in het Universum. In de menselijke wetten is het omschreven in het UVRM als zijnde: Artikel 1 Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren
zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen. In de reeds niet meer geldende Nederlandse grondwet staat het beschreven als zijnde: Artikel 1 Allen die zich in Nederland bevinden, worden in gelijke gevallen gelijk behandeld. Discriminatie wegens godsdienst, levensovertuiging, politieke gezindheid,
ras, geslacht of op welke grond dan ook, is niet toegestaan.

December 15at 05:27am

Eindelijk komen er meerdere met de harde waarheden naar buiten

Deel 1

Deel 2

Allemaal beschreven in deze 2 boeken
(gratis te downloaden)
Title: De MATRIX van ons systeem deel 1. ISBN 978-1-291-88840-9
File size 2.8 MB

Title: De MATRIX van ons systeem deel 2. ISBN 978-1-291-88841-6
File size 3.7 MB


December 15at 05:22am

Eindelijk komen er ware zaken naar buiten.

Al heel lang maak ik melding dat het onder andere niet pluis is bij justitie en dat hoge personen die vele vieze praktijken beschermen wat er allemaal uitgespookt wordt met kinderen.
De vieze club is kennelijk toch even zijn greep verloren en door deze moord komt de ware berichtgeving naar buiten.
Kinderhandel, kinderporno het wordt allemaal beschermd door deze justitiële personen tot dat er mensen zijn die het niet meer nemen en dan zelf actie gaan nemen. Dat zagen we al eerder bij enkele moorden rond pastoors in de RK.

Moordenaar(s) lieten bericht achter 'Sniphout was kinderverkrachter'

Andrew Michael Sniphout (57) zou een kinderverkrachter zijn geweest en daarom werd hij 1 juni jl. vermoord.
Dat blijkt uit het dossier in deze zaak, werd tijdens de pro forma-zitting bekend. De mannen Miguel Antonio
R-A. (22) en Rochel Antonio R-A. (23), beiden afkomstig uit de Dominicaanse Republiek, stonden vrijdag terecht voor hun betrokkenheid bij deze moord.
Broer van het slachtoffer en een vertegenwoordiger van de Stichting Slachtofferhulp waren ook aanwezig, maar hebben pas bij de inhoudelijke behandeling de mogelijkheid het woord te voeren.


December 15at 05:11am

Blogster ontvlucht Sint Maarten

Roumou overgebracht naar Curaçao

De bekende Sint Maartense blogster Judith Roumou is uit angst te worden vermoord van het eiland ‘gevlucht’.

Vrienden, onder wie een Nederlandse ex-commando, hebben haar buiten het zicht van haar vermeende belagers naar Curaçao overgebracht waar ze op een geheim adres op adem kan komen.
Inmiddels is een inzamelingsactie gestart om de blogster als het even kan nog deze week naar Nederland te laten reizen.
Roumou stelt op haar massaal gelezen blogs voortdurend misstanden aan de kaak, vooral de greep die lokale casinobazen op politici en ambtenaren volgens haar hebben, is een terugkerend onderwerp.
Dat zij daarbij niemand ontziet en man en paard noemt, wordt haar door de betrokkenen niet in dank afgenomen.
De blogster is de afgelopen jaren veelvuldig bedreigd, een aantal keren daadwerkelijk mishandeld en ook bestolen, onder meer door Statenlid Leroy Weever die inmiddels is veroordeeld voor het stelen van haar tablet.

Zij zegt ook tegengewerkt te worden door de overheid.
Verder zijn er raadselachtige stroomstoringen die alleen haar woning treffen en is internetten vanuit huis al helemaal onmogelijk.

Roumou is meerdere keren door de politie opgepakt.
Eerder dit jaar zat zij een week in arrest nadat aangifte tegen haar was gedaan wegens belediging en bedreiging.
Tijdens haar detentie beklaagde ze zich erover dat haar de medicijnen die ze dagelijks nodig heeft werden onthouden.

Na haar vrijlating kreeg ze inbeslaggenomen medicamenten, telefoons en computers niet terug.
In oktober werd ze veroordeeld voor het beledigen van een politieagent.
Vorige maand werd ze in een restaurant aangevallen door een aannemer die eerder is veroordeeld voor moord.
De man maakte duidelijk niet gediend te zijn van de blogs van Roumou en begon op haar in te slaan.
Het was aan het ingrijpen van omstanders te danken dat de gevolgen beperkt bleven tot ‘slechts’ een hersenschudding, een ontwrichte kaak en kneuzingen.
Sindsdien zou de woning van Roumou in het oog worden gehouden door Haïtiaanse werknemers van haar belager.
Ze durfde geen stap meer buiten de deur te zetten en liet de gordijnen ook overdag gesloten.
Kennissen die eten kwamen brengen werden geïntimideerd.
Vrienden die zich grote zorgen maakten, hebben haar woensdag onopgemerkt uit haar huis weten te ontzetten, naar het vliegveld gebracht en op een vlucht naar Curaçao begeleid.
Daar is zij door andere kennissen opgevangen.
Intussen is er ook onderdak in Nederland geregeld, reden waarom er geld wordt ingezameld voor een ticket.
Roumou (39) is op Sint Maarten geboren en getogen.
Ze vertrok op haar zestiende voor studie naar de Verenigde Staten.
In 2009 keerde zij terug naar Philipsburg en ging voor de overheid werken.
In 2011 begon ze met haar blogs waarin zij bepaald geen blad voor de mond nam en een lange reeks beschuldigingen uitte aan het adres van in haar ogen corrupte politici en melding maakte van witwaspraktijken nin de gokscene.
Doordat ze aan asperger lijdt, wordt ze door de mensen die ze op de korrel neemt consequent als ‘psychisch gestoord’ aangeduid.
Ook zou ze volgens hen een spion in dienst van Nederland zijn en de Nederlandse leden nmvan het Recherche Samenwerkingsteam en de marechaussee van informatie voorzien.
De vervolging van Roumou was eerder dit jaar voor het
Tweede Kamerlid Ronald van Raak (SP) aanleiding om in schriftelijke vragen aan minister
Ronald Plasterk (PvdA) van
Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties zijn zorgen uit te spreken over de persvrijheid en het recht op vrije meningsuiting op Sint Maarten.



December 15at 05:01am


Dode man Rotterdam uit Sint Maarten

De man die donderdagavond in Rotterdam is doodgeschoten, blijkt Rene ‘Kobie’ Paul. Een bekende man op Sint Maarten.

Kobie deed aan dragracing en reed grote heavy-duty trucks. Vorige week vertrok hij samen met een vriend naar Nederland om een nieuwe truck te kopen. De vriend raakte zwaargewond bij de schietpartij en ligt in coma. De politie verdenkt hem van betrokkenheid bij de dood van Kobie.

Bron Daily Herald



December 14at 05:23am

How sick is the police?



December 14at 05:15am

Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All


He found himself with his brother, Duncan Cameron, in a hospital of the future for 6 weeks, recovering from radiation injuries.
The medical system of that future used vibrational and light treatments.
The TV programs were educational and news programs.
That’s where he noticed that earth changes caused a lot of geographical changes that began in beginning of 21st century until 2025.
The coastlines and interior of the U.S. and Europe were drastically different from the way they are now.
The water level had risen and Florida was reduced to the panhandle only. Atlanta, GA was only 3 miles from the ocean.The Mississippi became an inland waterway. The Great Lakes became one large lake.
The U.S. Infrastructure had collapsed. The U.S. and Canada were no longer refered to as nations.
A loose form of local martial law existed 2137.
Central government was gone.
The magnetic poles of the earth started to shift but in that time line an artificial pole structure was created to prevent the collapse and reversal of the magnetic poles. As a result, the poles did not flip.
The worldwide population was reduced to 300 million. The U.S. population was around 50 million.
He claims that between 1954-2000 our government worked with the aliens acquiring technology, back and forward engineering all their technologies.
The problems began between 2003-2005. The new world order was taking over the planet but then a war developed. At some point a war broke out between the Russians/Chinese vs U.S/Europe. A number of U.S. cities were destroyed. The new world order collapsed.
The government has the technology to reduce radiation damage and nuclear waste within a few days, even now but refuses to use it for political reasons. In the future, the technology is used to clean up the radiation left from WW3.
He then found himself, inexplicably, in the year 2749 for nearly two years. He talks about what he learned while he was there. Then he was taken back to 2137 to pick up Duncan, after which they were both taken to 1983.
There were ground based and floating cities. The floating cities could be moved to different parts of the earth.
The Synthetic Intelligence Computer System was a computer system that ran everything. There was no government. It was a huge crystalline floating structure. It interviewed them telepathically.
The structure of society was completely socialistic. The basic needs for survival were taken care of for everyone.



December 14at 05:01am

Large pulse of Radio Frequency detected coming from ALASKA — HAARP caught in action?

A large pulse of RF (radio frequency) has been unintentionally detected coming out of Alaska by the MIMIC microwave background imagery satellite composite feed.



December 13at 05:22am

De indoctrinatie op scholen

Gymnasiasten moeten voor straf opstel schrijven als ze niet meedoen aan “vluchtelingen”actie

Sonja Würf (op de foto links), “goedmenschelijke” lerares op het Robert Koch gymnasium in het Neder-Beierse Deggendorf en actief in het bestuur van het “Netwerk voor culturele verscheidenheid”, heeft een kleine kerstactie voor “vluchtelingen” in het leven geroepen. Of al haar leerlingen even een cadeautje mee kunnen nemen, die daarna aan “vluchtelingen”kinderen in het district Deggendorf zullen worden overhandigd.

Het perfide hieraan: wie weigert, moet deelnemen aan een heropvoedingsmaatregel! De “Deggendorfer Zeitung” bericht:

[…] Lerares Sonja Würf heeft eveneens een goed manier bedacht om critici tot nadenken aan te zetten: “Als een leerling bijvoorbeeld tegen me zegt dat hij niet wil meedoen aan een actie voor vluchtelingen, dan laat ik me dat graag op meerdere bladzijden uitleggen in een argumentatie in het kader van het gebruikelijke huiswerk.” Dan zou er namelijk al snel geen sprake meer zijn van argumenten.



December 13at 05:17am

De leugen over het klimaat

Dit zijn de hoofdpunten uit het klimaatakkoord

Een historisch akkoord in Parijs: bijna 200 landen zijn akkoord gegaan met vergaande klimaatmaatregelen. Wat hebben ze afgesproken?


Een beperking van de opwarming van de aarde tot "ruim onder de 2 graden". Gestreefd moet worden naar 1,5 graad. Dat laatste was vooral een wens van een aantal eilandstaten; die vrezen dat ze letterlijk onder water komen te staan als de aarde te veel opwarmt.


De landen streven ernaar dat er snel een einde komt aan de stijging van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. De partijen zijn zich ervan bewust dat het voor arme landen langer duurt dan voor rijkere om snel de piek in hun uitstoot te bereiken, omdat in een aantal landen de economie net op gang komt.

Dat kan voor sommige landen betekenen dat ze later beginnen met de vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Landen moeten doen wat in hun vermogen ligt. Maar halverwege deze eeuw moet de uitstoot van de broeikasgassen in balans zijn met wat de aarde kan opnemen aan deze gassen.


Het klimaatbeleid van alle landen die deelnemen aan de conferentie wordt elke vijf jaar geëvalueerd. Ieder land moet steeds beter worden. De ambities mogen niet meer naar beneden worden bijgesteld, ze moeten juist telkens worden aangescherpt.


Landen kunnen hun reducties in andere landen realiseren en in emissies handelen.


Voor de klimaatconferentie van 2020 moeten de partijen het doel stellen elk jaar minstens 100 miljard dollar (91 miljard euro) ter beschikking te stellen voor armere landen, die moeite hebben om het streven van de klimaattop bij te benen. De bijdrage hieraan door ontwikkelingslanden is vrijwillig


Het verdrag treedt officieel in werking als 55 landen het hebben geratificeerd. Die moeten samen ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor minimaal 55 procent van de mondiale uitstoot.

Voor de waarheid te lezen over het klimaat lees "de matrix van het systeem" boek


December 13at 05:05am




December 13at 05:05am

Montauk Project Victim Speaks Out: Greys, Reptilians, Time Travel & Mind Control Experiments

Montauk Project

Here's an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. I met Pero personally through Preston Nichols, author of several books about the Montauk Project which Nichols was personally involved in.

A section of our book "PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero Today"featured an autobiographical sketch by Pero, identified by the pseudonym 'Mr. Coffee" in the book.

For the complete article click here


December 12at 05:25am

'Geen ID-kaart bij je? Vraag agent even mee te lopen'

Ruim 20.000 mensen hebben vorig jaar in Nederland een boete gekregen omdat ze geen identiteitsbewijs bij zich hadden of zich weigerden te legitimeren. Vooral jongeren (18 – 30 jaar) worden vaak op de bon geslingerd. Zij kregen 4,5 keer vaker een boete dan dertigplussers.
Maar hoe werkt het nou precies met die identificatieplicht?

Wanneer moet je je ID-kaart laten zien en wanneer ga je op de bon?

Je bent formeel niet verplicht om een ID-kaart bij je te dragen. In Nederland hebben we namelijk een toonplicht, geen draagplicht. "Die keuze is bewust gemaakt, omdat er sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog veel weerstand is tegen het verplicht bij je dragen van een persoonsbewijs", zegt jurist Vincent Böhre van Privacy First. "Tijdens de oorlog was iedereen verplicht zich te kunnen identificeren."

Böhre vroeg zich vanochtend bij het horen van het nieuws over het aantal boetes als eerst af hoeveel mensen protest hadden aangetekend tegen hun bon. "Het gebeurt vaak dat mensen in de buurt wonen en geen identiteitskaart bij zich hebben. Je kunt dan gewoon zeggen: loop maar even mee, dan laat ik 'm thuis zien. Zo werkt de toonplicht namelijk."

De overheid heeft een aantal situaties onder elkaar gezet, waarbij gecontroleerd mag worden op je ID-kaart. Hier een aantal voorbeelden:

- een auto rijdt ‘s nachts rond op een industrieterrein
- hangjongeren veroorzaken overlast in de openbare ruimte
- bij onrust of dreigend geweld in uitgaansgebieden en/of openbare manifestaties waarbij gevaar van ordeverstoring aanwezig is
- bij evenementen zoals voetbalwedstrijden en demonstraties in geval van rellen of (dreigende) escalatie
Waarom worden er relatief veel jongeren beboet?

Dat vroegen we aan de politie. Dat komt volgens hen omdat zij onderdeel uitmaken van jeugdgroepen en hangjongeren die overlast bezorgen. "Den Haag en Rotterdam zijn steden waar regelmatig festivals, evenementen en demonstraties plaatsvinden en waar jeugdgroepen zich ophouden."



December 12at 05:17am

Judge Calls For US Marshals and FBI To Arrest Congress and The President

On November 28th, 2015, Alaska State Judge Anna von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger) addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. She goes into incredible detail on the fraud that has been committed. Anyone who reads this is sure to learn at least something. Below is the text and you can open the original pdf here. This has been encouraged to be shared widely.

Anna Maria Riezinger (Anna Von Reitz)

November 28, 2015 Big Lake,

Alaska Dear Federal Agents:

I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence.

Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and evidence has come to light. We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of “state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”. Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of the world around us.

It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”. The “Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Court”. If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone. So are millions of other Americans. These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees.

There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in 1868. Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively using the labor and the private property assets of these “citizens” as collateral backing the corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to obscure this development.

At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public sector slave ownership. You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other Amendment to any constitution then or now. Instead, slavery was redefined as the punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves. It remains perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within the District and the Washington, DC Municipalities.

A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws—-which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.

The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”. Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak and double-dealing? And are you also beginning to catch the drift—the motivation—behind it? Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”.

This little gem was developed by the bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”. When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt — similar to cosigning a car loan — and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser. Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Conference of Governors did in March of 1933.

They named all of us and all our property as surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation during bankruptcy reorganization—-and got away with it by claiming that they were our “representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us. The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our affidavit. In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the District of Columbia and the Federal Territories.

They did this by abusing the public trust and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us. Under their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”. So they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation, used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams—-and placed commercial liens against our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts. A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one of us without us ever being aware of it.

They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us— that we conveniently didn’t know existed— and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals. And so the fleecing of America began in earnest. The hirelings had our credit cards, had stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.

They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we “voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it—-when as millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or having to kill federal agents. They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.

According to them—that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public trust— we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what? Welfare that we paid for ourselves. Social Security that we paid for ourselves.

The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jawdroppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse. They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it without complaint. Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead. We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political status.

We don’t have to serve as debt slaves. We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to—- but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed. Everyone else has to remain as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of corporate “persona” named after us.

So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals—- does this sound like something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like something you want to end as expeditiously as possible? The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s have come to their final fruition.

Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need correction—- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”—continue to ignore the fact that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.

We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and mind its budget. These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse. They have spent money and credit that was never theirs to spend. They have defrauded millions if not billions of innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far too long.

These people— the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous “United States” corporations — have acted as criminals. They deserve to be recognized as such. The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while profiting from the situation and obstructing justice. They stand around shrugging and saying, “Well, it’s a political choice. We don’t have anything to say about that.”—–yet at the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them.

They, too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, and worse— which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. All our assets— our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor—have been signed over into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent us. Then, when we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail. Enough is enough.

The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity. It’s time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing “sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely calling itself the United States of Something or Other.

We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State Citizens, nunc pro tunc.

As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about. For starters— who really pays your paycheck? Is it the goons in Washington, DC? Or does it all come from the American people you are supposed to be serving? Do you believe for one moment that anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily? Do you believe that anyone gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege” of paying for Social Security? No? Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs. If anyone complains—arrest him.

We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as mandated by the Seventh Amendment. We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this institutionalized fraud scheme.

We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and repudiated tout de suite. Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just described to you— such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS—-it is your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and railroaded.

Do you understand? Is it now completely clear who the criminals are? Your actual employers and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this fraud for profit. This has been happening right under your noses. This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had upon the people of this and many other countries.

Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent conflict of interest. They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of government. They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1, 2013.

The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally – sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the public office means rejection of all authority related to us. The same may be said of the FBI. Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to have any public authority or function.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger

Alaska State Superior Court



December 12at 05:03am

Illegal Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Nearly 100 Well-Known Shampoo Brands

Shampoo photo from Shutterstock

You may have thought that the worst thing your shampoo could do to you is to sting your eyes, but it turns out that your shampoo could be deadly. The Center for Environmental Health based in Oakland, California, performed a study on shampoos and soaps and found that 98 included a possible carcinogen known as cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA).



December 11at 05:23am

The beginning of total control

Google's quantum computer '100 million times faster' than your PC

Google has developed a working quantum supercomputer that has 100 million times greater performance than a typical desktop machine. D-Wave can compute in a second what a standard desktop would take 10,000 years to do.
Google revealed that D-Wave is now functioning correctly in a press conference today, according to WIRED. The company's first tests of its quantum system ended in failure with the computer not exhibiting any greater performance than a standard machine.

D-Wave is a joint project developed primarily by Google and NASA. Other key investors include Microsoft and IBM, key technology companies interested in helping to develop what could evolve into computing's future.
Quantum computers operate in a very different way than their binary equivalents. It is only possible to express two different values in binary, 0 for "off" and 1 for "on." Qubits — the subatomic particles used by quantum computers — have an additional third state, a "superposition" that is somewhere between 0 and 1. Theoretically, this allows each qubit to represent many values at the same time, giving quantum machines their performance boost over ordinary desktops.
Computers with headline figures as great as D-Wave would give technology firms like Google the ability to develop artificial intelligence systems much more powerful than we have today. Big data crunching would take little longer than making calculations in a spread-sheet and machine learning would be able to process hundreds of thousands of data sources in the blink of an eye.

The technology is still far from being ready for general use though. D-Wave's 1000-qubit processor competed against a single-core conventional chip in a number of tasks and won them all. It was specially optimised for the project though and past results show there's no guarantee quantum computers will offer a performance boost to every scenario. Google's director of engineering, Hartmut Neven, admitted the tests were a "carefully crafted proof-of-concept problem" that allowed the computer to win with a 100-million-fold lead.

Experts have already expressed doubt regarding Google's quoted test results with D-Wave. Many have noted that Google gave D-Wave an immediate head-start by optimising its processor for the tasks before they were run. Ordinary desktop PCs are capable of out-performing D-Wave on some more complex algorithms, suggesting Google's headline figure of a 100 million times speed improvement is misleading and not representative of general quantum computing development.
Quantum computing is still a very long way from becoming widespread. There's only a handful of people in the world who know how to program in terms of qubits and currently only a small selection of calculations can be expressed in quantum mechanics. With more development, the technology could evolve into a serious way to solve big societal problems though, providing the world with instant data analysis at a scale never seen before.

Bron James Walker



December 11at 05:03am


Psychiatric Drugs Are Being Prescribed to Infants

Genesis Rios said that after her son Andrew, now 4, began taking the epilepsy medication felbamate at 18 months, he became strikingly erratic and aggressive. A neurologist prescribed him the antipsychotic Risperdal, which he took for four months. Credit Jenna Schoenefeld for The New York Times

Andrew Rios’s seizures began when he was 5 months old and only got worse. At 18 months, when an epilepsy medication resulted in violent behavior, a neurologist prescribed him the antipsychotic Risperdal, a drug typically used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in adults, and rarely used for children as young as 5 years.

When Andrew screamed in his sleep and seemed to interact with people and objects that were not there, his frightened mother researched Risperdal and discovered that the drug was not approved, and had never even been studied, in children anywhere near as young as Andrew.

“It was just ‘Take this, no big deal,’ like they were Tic Tacs,” said Mrs. Rios, a mother of five in Rancho Dominguez, Calif. “He was just a baby.”

Cases like that of Andrew Rios, in which children age 2 or younger are prescribed psychiatric medications to address alarmingly violent or withdrawn behavior, are rising rapidly, data shows. Many doctors worry that these drugs, designed for adults and only warily accepted for certain school-aged youngsters, are being used to treat children still in cribs despite no published research into their effectiveness and potential health risks for children so young.

Ms. Davis, the speech-language pathologist, working with Andrew at home in Rancho Dominguez, Calif. Credit Jenna Schoenefeld for The New York Times

Almost 20,000 prescriptions for risperidone (commonly known as Risperdal), quetiapine (Seroquel) and other antipsychotic medications were written in 2014 for children 2 and younger, a 50 percent jump from 13,000 just one year before, according to the prescription data company IMS Health. Prescriptions for the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) rose 23 percent in one year, to about 83,000.

The company’s data does not indicate how many children received these prescriptions, but previous studies suggest that the number is at least 10,000. IMS Health researched the data at the request of The New York Times.

The data did not indicate the condition for which these prescriptions were written. Doctors are generally free to prescribe any medication for any purpose they see fit, so some drugs can occasionally be used in unproven and debatable ways. But the volume and rapid rise in psychotropics such as antipsychotics and antidepressants in children 2 and younger suggest a trend.

In interviews, a dozen experts in child psychiatry and neurology said that they had never heard of a child younger than 3 receiving such medication, and struggled to explain it. They presumed that parents and doctors, probably desperate and well meaning, were trying to alleviate thrashing temper tantrums — the kind that get children kicked out of day care — or an overly depressed disposition, like being strikingly inhibited, nonverbal or lethargic.

“People are doing their very best with the tools available to them,” said Dr. Mary Margaret Gleason, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist at Tulane University School of Medicine. “There’s a sense of desperation with families of children who are suffering, and the tool that most providers have is the prescription pad.”

But Dr. Gleason said that children with ages measured in months had brains whose neurological inner-workings were developing too rapidly, and in still unknown ways, to risk using medications that can profoundly influence that growth. She said the medications had never been subject to formal clinical trials in infants and toddlers largely because of those dangers.

“There are not studies,” Dr. Gleason said, “and I’m not pushing for them.”

Dr. Martin Drell, former president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, said he was “hard-pressed to figure out what the rationale would be” for the prescriptions. Similarly taken aback, some experts wondered if the medicine was never actually consumed by the child, or if it was issued in the name of a child covered by Medicaid but in fact taken by an ill parent who was uninsured.

“But where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” Dr. Drell said. “For the protection of kids, we should evaluate this. We should identify who these cases are. Maybe it’s not 10,000, but I’ll be unhappy if it’s even in the hundreds.”

Most experts suspected that the trend of medicating younger and younger children for suspected psychiatric disorders was trickling down to very young children. Last year, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that health care providers had given a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to at least 10,000 children age either 2 or 3 and then prescribed medications such as Adderall outside American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.

Mrs. Rios giving phenobarbital to her son Andrew, part of his morning medicine routine. He wears a helmet because he has epilepsy. Credit Jenna Schoenefeld for The New York Times

“I think you simply cannot make anything close to a diagnosis of these types of disorders in children of that age,” said Dr. Ed Tronick, a professor of developmental and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Boston. “There’s this very narrow range of what people think the prototype child should look like. Deviations from that lead them to seek out interventions like these. I think it’s just nuts.”

Prozac is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for depression in children 8 and older and for obsessive compulsive disorder in those age 7 and older. Most antipsychotics, which treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, are indicated only for children 10 and older. Risperdal is approved for children as young as 5, but only for irritability associated with autism.

Some other psychiatric medications, such as the anti-anxiety drugs Valium or Klonopin, are widely accepted to control intractable seizures in the very young. Although their effects on the young brain remain unknown, stopping a child’s seizure warrants their occasional one-time use, said Dr. Amy R. Brooks-Kayal, the head of pediatric neurology at Children’s Hospital Colorado and president of the American Epilepsy Society.

Antidepressants and antipsychotic medications, however, have no established use in young people beyond tempering chronically disruptive behavior, experts maintained, suggesting that the drugs were probably used for that purpose.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Academy of Neurology have no guidelines or position statements regarding use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in children younger than 3.

Finding specific examples of such children taking the drugs can be difficult, because of family privacy or because the practice remains controversial. IMS Health records but does not release the names of prescribing physicians.

Mrs. Rios said that after Andrew began taking the epilepsy medication felbamate, he became strikingly erratic and aggressive: He pushed his siblings down and destroyed toys. She said that Andrew’s neurologist, at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Dr. Lily Tran, then prescribed Risperdal, medication that can temper severe mood swings in older children.

Andrew took the medication for four months before his mother decided it was causing harmful side effects — behavior he had never shown before — and took him off it. “Everything became worse,” Mrs. Rios said.

Dr. Tran declined an interview request.

The use of Risperdal for children has been hotly debated among child psychiatrists, with some experts — many financially backed by the pharmaceutical industry — citing positive effects among suffering young people, and others criticizing their use as shortsighted responses to complex problems.

“There are behavioral ways of working with the problems rather than medication,” said Dr. Tronick, who runs a program that teaches health care providers to assist families with troubled children. “What is generating such fear and anger and withdrawal in the child? What is frustrating or causing stress in the parent? These are the things that have to be explored. But that takes time and money.”

Many experts say that the rise in the use of all psychotropics in children of all ages derives from the scarcity of child psychiatrists — only 8,350 practice in the United States, many of them with long waiting lists and higher cost than a family’s established pediatrician. Those pediatricians receive little training in child psychiatry but are then asked to practice it.




December 10at 05:16am

Read the CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual: A Timeless, Kafkaesque Guide to Subverting Any Organization with “Purposeful Stupidity” (1944)

I’ve always admired people who can successfully navigate what I refer to as “Kafka’s Castle,” a term of dread for the many government and corporate agencies that have an inordinate amount of power over our permanent records, and that seem as inscrutable and chillingly absurd as the labyrinth the character K navigates in Kafka’s last allegorical novel. Even if you haven’t read The Castle, if you work for such an entity—or like all of us have regular dealings with the IRS, the healthcare and banking system, etc.—you’re well aware of the devilish incompetence that masquerades as due diligence and ties us all in knots. Why do multi-million and billion dollar agencies seem unable, or unwilling, to accomplish the simplest of tasks? Why do so many of us spend our lives in the real-life bureaucratic nightmares satirized in the The Office and Office Space?

One answer comes via Laurence J. Peter’s 1969 satire The Peter Principle—which offers the theory that managers and executives get promoted to the level of their incompetence—then, David Brent-like, go on to ruin their respective departments. The Harvard Business Review summed up disturbing recent research confirming and supplementing Peter’s insights into the narcissism, overconfidence, or actual sociopathy of many a government and business leader. But in addition to human failings, there’s another possible reason for bureaucratic disorder; the conspiracy-minded among us may be forgiven for assuming that in many cases, institutional incompetence is the result of deliberate sabotage from both above and below. The ridiculous inner workings of most organizations certainly make a lot more sense when viewed in the light of one set of instructions for “purposeful stupidity,” namely the once top-secret Simple Sabotage Field Manual, written in 1944 by the CIA’s precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

Now declassified and freely available on the CIA’s website, the manual the agency describes as “surprisingly relevant” was once distributed to OSS officers abroad to assist them in training “citizen-saboteurs” in occupied countries like Norway and France. Such people, writes Rebecca Onion at Slate, “might already be sabotaging materials, machinery, or operations of their own initiative,” but may have lacked the devious talent for sowing chaos that only an intelligence agency can properly master. Genuine laziness, arrogance, and mindlessness may surely be endemic. But the Field Manual asserts that “purposeful stupidity is contrary to human nature” and requires a particular set of skills. The citizen-saboteur “frequently needs pressure, stimulation or assurance, and information and suggestions regarding feasible methods of simple sabotage.”

You can read and download the full document here. To get a sense of just how “timeless”—according to the CIA itself—such instructions remain, see the abridged list below, courtesy of Business Insider. You will laugh ruefully, then maybe shudder a little as you recognize how much your own workplace, and many others, resemble the kind of dysfunctional mess the OSS meticulously planned during World War II.

Organizations and Conferences

Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your “points” by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences.
When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committee as large as possible — never less than five.
Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.
Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.
Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and urge your fellow-conferees to be “reasonable” and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.


In making work assignments, always sign out the unimportant jobs first. See that important jobs are assigned to inefficient workers.
Insist on perfect work in relatively unimportant products; send back for refinishing those which have the least flaw.
To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions.
Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
Multiply the procedures and clearances involved in issuing instructions, pay checks, and so on. See that three people have to approve everything where one would do.


Work slowly.
Contrive as many interruptions to your work as you can.
Do your work poorly and blame it on bad tools, machinery, or equipment. Complain that these things are preventing you from doing your job right.
Never pass on your skill and experience to a new or less skillful worker.

sabotage manual

For the complete report click here


December 10at 05:12am


Orgonite: krachtig-natuurlijke energie, gratis voor iedereen!

‘Orgone’ via Orgonites:
krachtig-natuurlijke energie, gratis voor iedereen!

Dit artikel gaat over het opzienbarende Orgonite-spektakel… Toen we er onlangs voor het eerst van hoorden, de blokjes en blokken ‘Orgonite’ zagen, waarmee de speciale ‘Orgon-energie’ wordt geactiveerd, waren er behoorlijk wat vragen bij ons. Maar al gauw, na het verrichten van een degelijk stuk desk-research, bleek dat we hier een uitzonderlijk fenomeen bij de hand hebben! Waarom komt deze informatie nu pas onder ogen..? Laten we ons eerst eens verdiepen in de feitelijke vraag, wat ‘Orgonite’ is en wie het bedacht. Orgonite kan worden gemaakt in elke simpele gewenste vorm, van sieraad tot binnenhuis kunstwerk


Voor het gehele artikel klik hier


December 10at 05:02am

Why you give your children medicine as the problem is the schooling?


December 09at 05:05am

Silicon Valley professionals are micro-dosing LSD at work to gain “superhuman” creativity

Silicon Valley professionals have turned to an unlikely drug to boost their creativity, enhance performance and climb the ladder of success: LSD. Their method is simple, and far from getting stoned at work—though its usage is kept mostly underground for obvious reasons. And according to American psychologist James Fadiman, micro-dosing with psychedelics could be an effective replacement for drugs like Adderall, which are frequently abused in high-stress tech fields like programming. But are people really achieving “seemingly superhuman strengths,” as Forbes contributor, Will Burns puts it.

Rolling Stone recently published an article detailing the experience of a 25 year old, with a master’s degree from Stanford who “works for a tech startup in San Francisco,” and has reportedly achieved significant results from micro-dosing. “Microdosing has helped me come up with some new designs to explore and new ways of thinking. You would be surprised at how many people are actually doing it.” He told Rolling Stone.

This article has been gaining quite a bit of attention, and for good reason. There have been a number of similar reports where users describe incredible benefits from their experiences in micro-dosing. The Telegraph, for example, describes the experience of Canadian filmmaker, John Andrew, who spoke at a conference in New York last month and stated, “I experienced this clarity that is almost indescribable…I felt a homeostasis, a feeling that despite what’s going on, bad or good, everything was OK.”

Leading the micro-dosage movement is Fadiman, who has been exploring the potential benefits of psychedelics since the 1960s, when LSD testing was still being administered by the U.S. government. According to Fadiman, a dose of 10 micrograms of LSD will suffice, constituting one tenth of an average dose (i.e. a trippy weekend of camping with your friends). His prescription is to take the drug every four days, in the morning before you start your day’s work. As founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Rick Doblin, explains to Rolling Stone, micro-dosing means “[enough] to feel a little bit of energy lift, a little bit of insight, but not so much that you are tripping.”

Due to government sanctions, Fadiman is unable to continue legal research on the matter, but has side-stepped the legal process by sending out a request for users to submit ongoing and detailed micro-dosing trip reports. “What many people are reporting is, at the end of the day, they say, ‘That was a really good day.’ You know, that kind of day when things kind of work. You’re doing a task you normally couldn’t stand for two hours, but you do it for three or four. You eat properly. Maybe you do one more set of reps. Just a good day. That seems to be what we’re discovering.” James Fadiman said last year at the Horizons psychedelic quorum in New York City.

So far, the research has been overwhelmingly positive. But some are still skeptical, and potential negative health affects that have been introduced by those like Dr. Robert Glatter, another Forbes contributor. His perspective is that LSD, like most substances (Adderall, energy drinks or otherwise) are not the solution to enhancing creativity. He also describes the negative effects LSD can have on pregnant women and those currently taking medications like SSRIs for depression. His third argument is that LSD obtained from your local dealer could be laced with other substances like PCP, bath salts or cocaine. This claim may look good in a 1970s “reefer madness” type campaign, but how (or why) a drug dealer would go about mixing cocaine into a blotter-sheet I couldn’t possibly imagine. The bit about pregnancy and SSRIs makes sense, but applies to such a small segment of the population that the argument can be reduced to “don’t do LSD if you’re pregnant, or taking other drugs.” The argument of achieving creative success without the help of drugs is admittedly valid, though one might argue the same of coffee or alcohol.

Ultimately, the question one should be asking themselves is: what are the long-term consequences of taking small doses of LSD nearly twice a week? And the answer is, nobody knows yet. Depending on how comfortable you are with that, micro-dosing could be a positive lifestyle change…or a ticking time-bomb of mental health. But hey, nothing creative is the result of playing it safe.



December 08at 05:11am

‘NASA hacker’: ‘I found evidence America has space warships’

A hacker who faced a ten year legal battle after allegedly breaking into NASA computers has talked about what he found there.

Gary McKinnon believes he found evidence of a secret American space programme run by the Navy – with what sounds like warships in space.

He reveals all in a long video interview on UFO channel RichPlanet TV saying, ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’.

McKinnon has spoken out about his finds before, but rarely in such depth.

He says, ‘I used a program called Landsearch, which could search all the files and folders.

‘But I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’.

MORE: ‘Glowing UFO’ is seen parked on the ground near Area 51

'NASA hacker': ‘I found evidence America has space warships'

‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.

‘I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’

Read more:


December 08at 05:09am

The number one reason blamed for childhood deaths in America used to be accidents; now it’s cancer

ABC News is reporting today that cancer has officially outranked every other cause of childhood death in this country:


Cancer is the leading cause of childhood death in the United States, with 13,500 new diagnoses each year according to the American Cancer Institute.

One out of every 300 boys and one out of every 333 girls will develop cancer before their 20th birthday, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Cancer in America has seen a sharp increase over the last 100 years across all age groups.

Data from the U.S. Public Health Service estimates that cancer death rates in 1900 were around 64 per 100,000. That number has increased almost threefold to 188.7 per 100,000 in 2005.

In fact, the chances of an American being diagnosed with some type of cancer in his or her lifetime is now one in two.

This dramatic increase over a relatively short span of time obviously suggests environmental factors are at play here. So why haven’t all these charitable “run for the cure” cancer drives - fundraisers that happen year after year after year as cancer rates only continue to grow - ever cured anything?

The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) notes that cancer equals big business in this country:


Winning the war on cancer means preventing cancer. Yet cancer is a multi-billion dollar business. Isn’t preventing cancer bad for business? It is for the pharmaceutical and mammography businesses.

These industries have intricate ties to U. S. policy makers, directing research funds to ensure their continued profits in cancer diagnosis/treatment.

If prevention is key to crushing cancer, then finding out what is actually causing this cancer epidemic from independent studies not funded by the very companies that stand to profit off pointing fingers in the wrong direction is the first step.

What is causing all this cancer, especially the rise in children? Two big factors may be chemicals and electromagnetic radiation.

A whopping 70-90% of any average U.S. grocery store is filled with processed foods full of chemical additives and preservatives, many of which are genetically modified, in addition to the fact that a vast majority of U.S. food is tainted with pesticides.

The CPC discusses multiple studies that have come to the same conclusion: continual exposure to the multitude of carcinogenic pesticides in this country’s food supply is killing our kids:

As documented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), residues of numerous carcinogenic pesticides are commonly found in most fruits and vegetables. Additionally, milk and other dairy products are often laden with carcinogenic pesticides and antibiotics.

Factory farm meat, particularly liver, veal, frankfurters and hamburgers, are also contaminated with carcinogenic pesticides, besides growth-stimulating sex hormones and other feed additives.

The Bush [Sr.] Administration has flung open the floodgates to carcinogens in our food. With active support of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has in effect revoked the 1958 Delaney law, which banned intentional contamination of food with any level of carcinogen.

Instead, the EPA now allows residues of any carcinogenic pesticide in any food at levels posing allegedly “acceptable” or “negligible risk,” as determined by manipulated numbers.

Should pesticide in our food really ever be considered “acceptable”?

Michael Taylor, former Monsanto Vice President for Public Policy and our current Food Safety Czar in this Twilight Zone we all live in, wrote “The De Minimis Interpretation of the Delaney Clause - Legal and Policy Rationale” advocating a change in the interpretation of the 1958 Delaney Clause back in 1988.

On it’s face, Delaney literally stated that no carcinogenic agents could be added to processed foods. Taylor’s interpretation paved the way to altering Delaney to be interpreted so that small amounts of known carcinogens could be added to our food, all without regard to the cumulative negative health effects.

Taylor wrote this, by the way, while working at a law firm contracted by Monsanto.

Another potential factor is the continual bathing of our growing children’s brains and bodies in electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Estimates show that those of us living in modern-day America are experiencing 100,000,000 times more electromagnetic frequency (EMF) than our grandparents did simply by existing.

Incidents of brain tumors have also been found to be higher in Western, developed nations.

Everything from cell phones to cell towers going up everywhere to household appliances to computers… even cars emit EMF. Many of these technologies were never tested for potential harmful effects.

Research has found EMF does have an adverse effect on tissues and cells, and this non-ionizing radiation has been classified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen.

The top two childhood cancers are,

cancers of the brain and nervous system

Studies have linked both EMF exposure and childhood leukemia (for a few examples, see here, here, here and here), and EMF exposure to childhood brain tumors (see here, here and here).

Belgium just banned cell phones specifically designed for children up to age 7 based on this risk.

Armed with this information, recommendations have been suggested for limiting a child’s exposure to pressing cell phones up to their skulls via hands-free devices or even using speakerphone options. WI-FI exposure in the house can be limited by opting to hard wire computers to modems and unplugging computers and modems at night or when not in use.

In a pediatric nursing article “Cell Phones and Children - Follow the Precautionary Road” Suzanne Rosenberg wrote,

“While the government has deemed RF radiation to be safe, there is no current significant research to make this claim.”

Just like the abundance of chemicals in our food, there is a vested interest in keeping a lid on information regarding just how dangerous this continual radiation exposure could be.

Cancer rates have risen to epidemic levels if estimates now show one in two adults will get cancer sometime in their lifetime. With childhood cancer as the number one child killer, what kind of cancer odds will our children face in their future?

Forget racing for the cure; we have to start focusing on the cause.

December 08at 05:01am

Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms The Afterlife Exists

Do we have a soul? Is there life after death? The afterlife is something that has been experienced by countless people since recorded history who have returned to tell their tales, with the most noteworthy account experienced first-hand by Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, Dr. Eben Alexander. This is not just another afterlife account that can be written off as a hallucination. Before we look at exactly how his experience of the afterlife defies all scientific explanation, lets explore his account a little bit.

Before his experience, he did not believe existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, he thought that the idea of a soul was outlandish. Like most “skeptics”, he believed stories of the afterlife to be hallucinations or products of the human imagination.

Dr. Alexander changed his mind after he was in a coma for seven days caused by severe bacterial meningitis. During his coma he experienced a vivid journey into what he knew to be the afterlife, visiting both heavenly and not so heavenly realms.

After returning to his body and experiencing a miraculous healing against all odds, and went on to write the NY Times #1 best selling book “Proof of Heaven.” What Dr. Alexander confirms is that our life here is just a test help our souls evolve and grow, and that the way we succeed in doing so is to proceed with love and compassion. Here are just a few other notable points he made:

– The experience of the afterlife was so “real” and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.

– The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small. If you wish to know the Universe, know Love.

– In the afterlife, all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you. All the questions you asked in your mind were immediately answered to you telepathically as well.



December 07at 05:19am

The most dangerous books.

The books of war.

Books of war


December 07at 05:08am

Man Duplicates Tesla’s Most Closely-Guarded Secret For Amplifying Power

Jim Murray, an electrical engineer, researcher, and inventor, has re-discovered the method Nikola Tesla used to “magnify the power” of an electrical generating system. His Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply (SERPS) technology has been shown to operate at coefficient of performance (COP) > 50 when operating resistive loads. SERPS operates on the same power magnification principles that Nikola Tesla used to amplify the power in his generators.

Jim with his friend Paul Babcock developed SERPS over the last 35 years but demonstrated it publicly for the first time at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. Paul’s patented ultra fast 5 nanosecond switching technology has been mated to the SERPS circuitry and has achieved a 4790% increase in electrical power compared to the input.

According to The Free Thought Project:

Electric power is supplied by a special transformer to energize a resistive load. The undissipated magnetic potential is then captured and stored temporarily, before being sent back to the source through the very same electrical load. This oscillating power has completely different properties than conventional electrical power, and actually reduces the total power required from the source. The consequence of this energy dynamic is that the resistive load can be powered more than twice as efficiently, while the net power supplied by the line is reduced to a very small value. The implications of this technology for power conservation in the future are absolutely astonishing!

Like Tesla, Jim’s research has also been scrutinized by the FBI. Jim too has had a run-in with the FBI because of one of the projects he was working on.

“Back in 1966, not long after my father died, I returned from work one day to find a strange message waiting for me. – Take the Hudson-Manhattan subway to Newark, New Jersey, and arrive at 11 Centre Place, FBI Newark Headquarters, no later than 10:00 AM tomorrow morning. Ask to see Agent Harold Miller, he will be expecting you. – [Upon his arrival] The agents looked at each other silently, then scribbled some additional notes, which were inserted into a file folder with my name on it. I later learned that once you become a person of interest, the FBI retains your file indefinitely!”

Jim Murray needs your help to get his energy paradigm shifting information out to the public. While he has independently secured funding for his technology, Jim is trying to secure funding to publish a book which will explain to everyone how it is done.



December 06at 05:16am

Killed by its own sect

More and more the real story of the killing of Michael Jackson comes above.
Killed by the sect he was part of and later found out that they rape and kill children for power and rituals.
That was his dead that was what took him down.

Michael Jackson


December 06at 05:12am

John Lennon


December 06at 05:06am

Black people


December 06at 05:03am


App maakt radiosignalen zichtbaar

De Nederlandse ontwerper Richard Vijgen heeft een app ontwikkeld waarmee de radiosignalen van mobiele apparatuur zichtbaar worden.

App maakt radiosignalen zichtbaar

De signalen zijn voor het blote oog niet zichtbaar, maar de app Architecture of Radio van Vijgen maakt ze voor iOS-gebruikers zichtbaar. Wie zijn iPhone of iPad om zich heen beweegt, krijgt een grafische weergave van de vaak vele radiosignalen op die plekken te zien. Wie geduld heeft, of boft, kan een passerende satelliet volgen.

De app maakt gebruik van een dataset met bijna 7 miljoen gsm-masten, 19 miljoen wifi-routers en honderden satellieten. Vijgen benadrukt wel dat de app niet gebruikt moet worden om de sterkte van de signalen te meten. De app is alleen bedoeld om een indruk te geven van de enorme hoeveelheid radiosignalen om je heen.

De app kost 2,99 euro en voorlopig alleen voor iOS verkrijgbaar Begin volgend jaar volgt een Android-uitvoering.

The infosphere, Visualized.

Every time we use our phones, tablets or laptops we are entering an invisible world of wireless digital signals. It is a world that we cannot see but that is literally all around us.
The Architecture of Radio is a 360 degree data visualization of what this world might look like. It shows the cell towers, GPS satellites and Wi-Fi routers around you that allow us to live our digital lives.

NOTE: If the app takes longer than a few seconds to load please check if location services (GPS) is enabled and the device is connected to the internet.

Why should I use this app?

Out of curiosity! We are increasingly dependent on a global ecosystem of digital signals. We use them for so many things, yet we cannot see them. We can see the roads we use to travel, the buildings we live in, but not the infrastructure that is changing the world. How can we understand this world without understanding how it works?
The purpose of this app is to make the invisible visible so we can look at it, think about it and discuss it.

Why Should I not use this app?

This app is not a measurement tool. It’s purpose is to inspire, to see the world through a different lens. The app is based on real world data and gives you a pretty good idea of the density of digital signals around you, but it won’t tell you where to move the couch to get a better WIFI signal.

So how does it work?

The Architecture of Radio is a data visualization, based on global open datasets of cell tower, Wi-Fi and satellite locations. Based on your GPS location the app shows a 360 degree visualization of signals around you. The dataset includes almost 7 million cell towers, 19 million Wi-Fi routers and hundreds of satellites.

Is this really what radio signals look like?

We can’t see radio with our eyes. The waves that we use for our cell phones and Wi-Fi are way outside the spectrum of visible light. In order to “see” radio, it has to be interpreted or translated into an image that we can see. There are many ways to do that but it will always be an interpretation.

The Architecture of Radio is an impression of the infosphere, a way of seeing it.

Radio signals


December 05at 05:02am


The Holy Quran Experiment

The Islam has been under huge scrutiny lately and is often criticised for being an aggressive religion... but what about Christianity?
In this video we disguised a Bible as a Quran and read some of it's most gruesome verses to the people. This is what they had to say.




December 04at 05:24am

Van wiens opdracht moet Holleeder moorden?

De verdediging van Holleeder wil twintig dagen per persoon om de zussen en ex-vriendin van zijn cliënt vragen te stellen. 'De Neus' wordt verdacht van de moorden op Cor van Hout, Kees Houtman, John Mieremet, Willem Endstra en Thomas van der Bijl.

Deze zal hij nooit vrijgeven want hij weet dan wat hem te wachten staat.
Maar het is zeker dat dezelfde opdrachtgever Borst en Fortuyn op zijn naam heeft staan.
Paraten we nog niet over de ritualen moorden van kinderen.



December 04at 05:17am

The person who is on most shootings, our dramaqueen



December 04at 05:08am



December 03at 05:16am


The shooting directed by the CIA (as all shootings)

Incredible is that citizen don't speak and let the government know IT"S ENOUGH!!
Day in day out people from the CIA and other forces killing citizens!
EVERYDAY people be killed by them.
NOBODY is telling the government this is enough!

The shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California does not fit the pattern of a typical mass shooting and appears to be geared to elicit widespread public outrage.

Reports indicate there were three shooters in tactical gear.
The suspects escape moments after the shooting in a black SUV.
The shooting does not appear to the work be a disgruntled employee.
So far there is no motive and the shooting makes no sense.
Several days before the shooting there was an active shooter drill held in neighboring Victorville, California.
Police are releasing very little information about the shooting, victims, possible suspects and other details.
A shooting at a facility for people with developmental disabilities will undoubtedly result in widespread outrage, as did the alleged shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December, 2012.
Like Sandy Hook, the shooting in California will feed into a demand for so-called gun control measures.
The shooting occurred hours after House Republicans blocked debate on a bill to prevent people on the government’s no-fly list from exercising their Second Amendment right.
There are unconfirmed reports the shooting was carried out by at least one Middle Eastern male, a rumor that feeds into the domestic terror and ISIS narrative.



December 03at 05:04am

What No One Is Telling You About Mark Zuckerberg Donating 99% Of His Fortune To "Charity"

It's neither exclusively a charity, nor is his donation is going to a "charitable trust."

By now you must have heard that Mark Zuckerberg along with his wife Priscilla Chan has pledged to give away 99% of his estimated USD45 billion in Facebook stock to charity. Basically, Mark is giving away enough money to fund one of the world's biggest charities for the next 45 years. Instead, he is funding his own. Here's how:

The vehicle for his beneficence will be the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC, a family-run foundation that he controls and through which he will maintain control of Facebook for "the foreseeable future."

Which basically means:

Mark Zuckerberg will transfer ownership of his Facebook stock without paying capital gains taxes. He will also benefit from the possibility that his foundation will live beyond him, with his heirs and their heirs at the helm, untouched by estate taxes.

A Facebook PR, while confirming to BuzzFeed News, said that the initiative is structured as an LLC, and not as a charitable trust

Which means that unlike a charitable trust, which is compelled to spend its money on charity, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC will be able to spend its money on whatever it wants, including private, profit-generating investment.

While charity will certainly be one of the money’s destinations, it will be far from the only one. The money, according to a Facebook SEC filing, will go to “philanthropic, public advocacy, and other activities for the public good.”

One such activity: private investment. A Facebook release this afternoon stated as much.

“The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will pursue its mission by funding non-profit organizations, making private investments and participating in policy debates, in each case with the goal of generating positive impact in areas of great need,” it said. “Any profits from investments in companies will be used to fund additional work to advance the mission.”

One more thing about his pledge:

The Facebook founder is not giving away 99% of his Facebook shares all at once. He will be doing it over the course of the rest of his life.

Also, Michael Maiello points out in this Daily Beast piece:

Mark will deduct the fair value of his gift to his foundation from his taxable income in the year he makes the donation. A donor like Mark could realize a tax benefit equal to about one-third of the value of his gift. In this case, he stands to benefit as much as USD333 million, based on the USD1 billion he plans as his first transfer.

Rather than give to existing nonprofits, Mark is doing what other business leaders have recently done. Increasingly siphoning their fortune into their own organisations and this can be problematic.

Alexander C. Kaufman of The Huffington Post explains how:

The desire for control leaves the massive pool of money set aside for charities -- about $358 billion in the U.S. last year -- divvied between the roughly 1.5 million nonprofits registered in this country. Creating a new organization every time a company or wealthy individual wants to foster change only shrinks the available slices of that pie.

“Just because you were successful in the for-profit world doesn’t mean that nonprofits are a bunch of bleeding-heart idiots that need you to come in and show them how it’s done,” Ken Berger, the managing director of the social-good data service Algorhythm, told The Huffington Post in October. He previously ran the nonprofit watchdog Charity Navigator. “We have one of the most complex and sophisticated nonprofit sectors ever seen. Partnering with others is the best approach.”

That last part is key.

To sum up, his money is not going to a charity, but to his own LLC, which will let him evade tax by moving his private assets into a foundation. See, Zuckerberg doesn't need massive tax benefits to do whatever he wants. He can just do whatever he wants.

But he will get those tax benefits and estate planning benefits and he will be able to give up his stock while holding onto power over his company.

As Michael Maiello in his Daily Beast piece reveals, "when we pay people like Zuckerberg to fund their own foundations, we are really helping the rich and coddled few even as we thank and honor them for their charity."

Additionally, as Anil Dash writes in his Medium piece, it's necessary to be critical of Mark's philanthropic efforts, both past and present, to ensure that this pledge of USD45 billion is put to good use

That is because the default dispensation of the money will be to waste it.

For example, Zuckerberg donated $100 million to Newark schools to almost no effect, in a gift that was revealed to have been explicitly managed by Sheryl Sandberg to be timed to offset the negative publicity surrounding the release of the movie The Social Network.

Given that track record, our default assumption should be that this is a similar move, though obviously this announcement being coupled to the birth of their daughter makes such assumptions seem churlish or rude.

Mark made the announcement for the pledge on Facebook together with his wife Chan. They recently gave birth to their daughter Max.



December 02at 05:14am

Wise man


December 02at 05:09am

CIA-agent bekent:

“Ze gaven ons miljoenen om burgeroorlog uit te lokken in Joegoslavië en de mensen tot slaaf te maken”

De meesten van ons zijn bekend met de val van Srebrenica op 11 juli 1995, waarbij meer dan 7000 moslims werden gedood die formeel onder bescherming stonden van Nederlandse militairen. Een ex-CIA-agent onthult nu dat zijn voormalige werkgever achter deze genocide zat.

“We kochten partijen en politici om die haat verspreidden,” zegt voormalig CIA-agent Robert Baer tijdens een interview met WebTribune. Hij publiceert binnenkort zijn nieuwe boek Secrets of the White House.

“Mijn baas, een Amerikaanse oud-senator, benadrukte herhaaldelijk dat de boel zou worden opgelicht in Bosnië,” aldus Baer. “Een maand voor de vermeende genocide in Srebrenica zei hij al dat de stad wereldnieuws zou worden en gaf hij ons opdracht de media in te lichten.”
Geschokt door de hoeveelheid leugens

Ex-CIA-officier Baer is al diverse keren gearresteerd en vastgezet. Zijn goede vriend Mitt Waspurh, die werkzaam was in de Senaat en informatie met hem deelde, werd van dichtbij doodgeschoten. Baer werkte tussen 1991 en 1994 in Joegoslavië en het Midden-Oosten. Hij is te zien in verschillende documentaires van National Geographic, waarin hij de regering-Bush beschuldigt van het voeren van oorlog om olie.

Baer zegt op 12 januari 1991 samen met drie agenten te zijn aangekomen in Sarajevo. Hij moest naar eigen zeggen vermeende Servische terroristen in de gaten houden. Een groep rebellen was volgens de CIA van plan een aantal bomaanslagen uit te voeren.

De oud-agent kwam er al snel achter dat deze groep helemaal niet bestond en dat er tegen hem werd gelogen. “Het was onze missie om paniek te veroorzaken door de mensen te vertellen dat de Serviërs zouden gaan aanvallen,” zei hij.

Een paar weken later werd hij overgeplaatst naar Slovenië. “We kregen veel geld, een paar miljoen dollar, om verschillende ngo’s, oppositiepartijen en politici die haat verspreidden te financieren.”

Baer vertelt dat veel CIA-agenten eenvoudigweg zijn verdwenen omdat ze weigerden propaganda te verspreiden in Joegoslavië. “Ik was geschokt door de hoeveelheid leugens die onze agentschappen voerden aan de politici,” zegt hij.
Karadzic betaald door de CIA

Volgens Baer financierde de CIA onder meer de Kroatische presidenten Stjepan Mesic en Franjo Tudman, oud-president Alija Izetbegovic van Bosnië en Herzegovina, vele andere Joegoslavische politici, Servische generaals, journalisten en militairen.

De Servische oud-politicus Radovan Karadzic, die door het Joegoslavië-tribunaal wordt berecht wegens oorlogsmisdaden, werd volgens Baer enige tijd betaald door de CIA, maar weigerde nog langer geld aan te nemen toen hij besefte dat hij zou worden opgeofferd en aangeklaagd.

“Iedereen had dezelfde missie,” zegt Baer. “Het verspreiden van haat, nationalisme en verschillen tussen volkeren via de televisie.”

“Mijn baas, een Amerikaanse oud-senator, benadrukte herhaaldelijk dat de boel zou worden opgelicht in Bosnië,” gaat hij verder. “Een maand voor de vermeende genocide in Srebrenica zei hij dat de stad wereldnieuws zou worden en gaf hij ons opdracht de media in te lichten. Toen ik vroeg waarom zei hij: dat zul je wel zien. Het nieuwe Bosnische leger, door ons getraind, kreeg de opdracht om burgers aan te vallen. Op hetzelfde moment vielen de Serviërs aan vanaf de andere kant.”
‘Ze hebben slaven van jullie gemaakt’

De mensen die de oorlog hebben uitgelokt zijn nu eigenaar van de bedrijven die mijnbouw in het gebied plegen, aldus Baer. “Ze hebben slaven van jullie gemaakt.”

Ook over Kosovo is de ex-CIA-agent duidelijk: “Kosovo is om twee redenen ingenomen. Ten eerste vanwege de natuurlijke hulpbronnen en ten tweede omdat Kosovo een legerbasis van de NAVO is. In het hart van Europa is het de grootste legerbasis.”

Tegen de mensen die vroeger in Joegoslavië hebben geleefd wil Baer zeggen: “Vergeet het verleden, het is allemaal in scène gezet. Ze hebben jullie gemanipuleerd en ze hebben hun zin gekregen. Haat elkaar niet langer, maar laat zien dat jullie sterker zijn geworden. Ik bied mijn welgemeende excuses aan.”

Robert Bear


December 01at 05:18am

De posting in de volkskrant werd ook een "vis" aan de haak geslagen

Holleeder is niets meer als een (nog) levende legende tussen de absolute top en de bevolking. Hij is een (nog) levende link die weet wie achter veel moorden en criminele acties zitten rond Nederland. Zijn beschermheer is de machtigste man van Nederland...See More
Hanne Cuijpers Ga je deze onzin nou werkelijk bij elk bericht over Holleeder posten?

John H Baselmans Ja indien nodig. Vreemd genoeg blijkt de ware pers wel te willen weten hoe ik, zoals u het noemt "Onzin", kom en die informatie stuur ik hun dan ook netjes.
Maar als het u niet aanstaat blok me maar gewoon Hanne Cuijpers, geen probleem dat u uw kop in het zand wil blijven steken.

Hanne Cuijpers Je doet je naam wederom volop eer aan. Mensen die zo kunnen bazelen kom je niet vaak tegen.

John H Baselmans Voor uw informatie: de naam Baselmans heb ik de stamboom van in mijn bezit dat mijn voorouders geleefd en gewoond hebben in Basel! U weet wel dat "dorpje" in Zwitserland. Daarom word het ook met een "s" geschreven. Maar het is typisch dat als men een antwoord geeft mensen persoonlijk gaan worden als ze woorden te kort komen. Triest Hanne Cuijpers


December 01at 05:09am

Zoals de pers de valse informatie naar buiten brengt

Beschermend de absolute top waarvoor deze heer werkt



December 01at 05:12am

Zo juist heeft weer eens een van de vissen gehapt
Zie hier de man Mario Budding zoals hij zich noemt (fake naam verschuilend achter een pizza) en zijn commentaren op een posting van mij over heer Holleeder.
Wat is de wereld toch mooi en een open boek.
Vandaag getuigt de zus van Willem Holleeder tegen haar broer. 'Als hij het ontdekt zou hebben, had hij me ter plekke doodgeslagen.' Volg onze verslaggever live vanuit de rechtbank in Amsterdam.

John H Baselmans Holleeder is niets meer als een (nog) levende legende tussen de absolute top en de bevolking. Hij is een (nog) levende link die weet wie achter veel moorden en criminele acties zitten rond Nederland. Zijn beschermheer is de machtigste man van Nederland en zolang hij niets los laat zal hij blijven leven. Heer Holleeder is (nog) de sleutel naar de absolute top, cocaïne en kinder-handel en de vele moorden en bedreigingen in de top.

Mario Budding John H Baselmans, ach een kenner? Een ingewijde! Schrijven EN kunstenaar! Self study? Waren de scholen dicht dan?

John H Baselmans Een typisch bericht van iemand die in opdracht moet ontkennen en belachelijk maken van personen.
U weet het kennelijk allemaal al vergeet u nog wat andere zaken. smile emoticon

Mario Budding Nee hoor ik weet niks. Maar, in tegenstelling tot jou, pretendeer ik ook niks te weten, kunstemaker.

John H Baselmans Heer Budding u weet inderdaad niets en is het inderdaad goed om uw mond te houden. U weet niet wat mijn werk is en welke zaken ik aan werk. Maar ik ben blij dat ik in uw ogen een "kunstenmaker" ben is een goede cover. Bedankt voor de tip. smile emoticon
PS ja ik maak ook tekeningen in mijn zeer weinige vrije tijd. Bedankt voor het bezoeken van mijn website.

Mario Budding Beste Johnny, de kennis over uw leven heeft u zelf met ons gedeeld. U bent schrijver en kunstenaar en de scholen waren dicht dus bent u zich zelf maar gaan onderwijzen. En NU zegt u weer dat u onder cover bent? U komt niet heel geloofwaardig meer over he? Maar Basel't u rustig verder hoor!

John H Baselmans Heer Budding als u werkelijk wil weten wat mijn werk en scholing is neem contact op met uw lokale AIVD. Mocht u verder nog meer willen weten dan is aan te raden dat u met de veiligheidsdienst van Curaçao contact op neemt of anders met de Gouverneur van Curaçao.
PS; mijn naam Baselmans komt van mijn ver over grootvader die geboren is in Basel, Zwitserland. Bent u weer helemaal op de hoogte. Fijne dag verder





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